Monday, March 21, 2011

Resource list - books about native plants of the Shuswap and native plants in general

Resource List for Local (Shuswap) Native Food Plants


1. Edible Wild Plants and Useful Herbs, Jim Meunick
2. Gardening with Native Plants of the Pacific Northwest, Arthur Kruckeberg
3. Mount Revelstoke National Park, Soper
4. Native Plant and Animal Booklet, Southern Interior (Naturescape), Richard Cannings
5. Native Woody Plant Seed Collection Guide for British Columbia, Banerjee (good photos)
6. Plants of the Rocky Mountains, Kershaw, MacKinnon, Pojar
7. Plants of Southern Interior British Columbia, Parish, Coupe, Lloyd
8. Propagation of Pacific Northwest Native Plants, Rose Chackulski, Haase
9. Trees, Shrubs and Flowers to Know in British Columbia, CP Lyons
10. Trees and Shrubs of British Columbia, Brayshaw
11. Wildflowers of the Southern Interior of British Columbia, Joan Burbridge
12.  The Wisdom of Dr. Mary Thomas, Thomas


1. Naturescape British Columbia, The Provincial Guide, Campbell, Susan
2. The Ontario Naturalized Garden, Johnson
3. The Butterfly Garden, Sedenko
4. Redesigning the American Lawn, Borman, Balmer, Geballe
5. The Landscaping Revolution, garden with nature not against her, Wasbuski
6. How to get your Lawn off Grass, Carole Rubin
7. Plants in British Columbia Indian Technology, Turner


1. (BC Native Food Guide (interior) Health Canada – availability?)
2. Drink in the Wild, Teas, Cordial, Jams and More, Hilary Stewart (BC author)
3. Edible Flowers, desserts and drinks, Cathy Wilkinson Barash
4. Edible and Medicinal Plants of the Rocky Mountains and neighbouring Territory, Willard, Terry
5. Edible Wild Fruits and Nuts of Canada, Turner (incl. recipes)
6. Edible Wild Plants, A North American Filed Guide, Elias,Thomas and Dykemen, Peter
7. Food Plants of Interior First Peoples, Turner
8. Guide to Common Edible Plants of BC, Szczawinski and Hardy
8b. Gathering what the Great Nature Provided, Ksan book people
8c. Interior Salish Food Preparation (Lak-La Hai-ee), Surtees (reference copy in Salmon Arm Library)
9. Native Foods ands Nutrition, Health Canada, from Medical Services Branch, Communications      Directorate (nutritional tables)
10. Native Indian Wild game, fish, and wild foods cookbook,
11. The Neighbourhood Forager, a Guide for the Wild Food Gourmet, Robert Henderson (recipes at end of each chapter)
12. Northwest Berry Cookbook, Kathleen Desmond Stang
13. Northwest Wild Berries, Underhill
14. Shuswap Indian Ethnobotany, Gary Palmer
15. Some Useful Wild Plants, David Manning
16. Wild Berries of the Pacific Northwesst, JE (Ted) Underhill
17. Wild Coffee and Tea Substitutes of Canada, Turner
18. The Wild Food Gourmet, fresh and savoury food from nature, Anne Gardon (great food photos)
19. Wild Harvet, Edible Plants of the Facific Northwest, Terry Domico
20. Wild Plums in Brandy, wild food cookery, Sylvia Boorman
21. The Wild, Wild Cookbook, a guide for youing wild food foragers, Jean George


2. 4. Thompson Okanagan, Natural History, Field Guide – book, Wild Flowers of Southern Interior BC (Royal British Columbia Museum)
3. Resources, natsive Plants Data Base, Search Nsative Plant, pictures and names
4. google Canadian Wildlife Federation select Wild About Gardening
5. Native Plant Society of BC, newsletter